

Understanding Isolation

Although both terms are often used interchangeably, isolation refers to the separation between two systems or voltage levels, while insulation refers to the.

[單字] insulate isolate - 看板Eng-Class

2010年11月16日 — 要問的字詞:(中英皆可) insulate isolate 提問: 2個字都是把...隔離的意思前者也有絕緣的意思.


2007年8月29日 — 請教電學的一個問題:應工作所需,看到Isolation 跟Insulation 這兩個字,查了字典,都看到同時具有「絕緣」跟「隔離」兩個翻譯。

"Isolation" 和"Insulation" 的差別在哪裡?

2019年10月20日 — Insulation is a method of storing heat. Walls of buildings and coats have insulation to keep the warmth inside the building and person.

Insulation, Isolation, and Working Voltage

2020年2月18日 — The purpose of this layer of insulation is to provide protection from hazardous voltages if there is a failure of the basic insulation.

insulation vs. isolation

2005年1月25日 — to separate something or someone from other things or people with which they are joined or mixed, or to keep them separate: He was isolated from ...

insulation vs isolation

isolate means that thing is isolate, while the insulate means that it is being in insulating state or being insulated.

Difference in meaning in "insulation" vs. "isolation"? [closed]

2011年12月13日 — Yes, if the plastic is nonconductive, which usually is the case. Insulating typically means using a tangible barrier to reduce conduction, ...

What is the difference between isolate and insulate?

2015年4月8日 — Isolate simply means to be apart from each other(usually things), while insulator is the barrier used to isolate those things.

"insulate" 和"isolate" 的差別在哪裡?

2021年10月22日 — Isolate means to be apart from each other (usually things), while insulator is the barrier used to isolate/separate those things. isolate ...